Leslies NoMetal Metal Stain Remover

Boost your pool’s hygiene with Leslie’s NoMetal, a powerful chelating agent preventing discoloration and scale build-up, ideal for pools filled with local or well water. Elevate your pool maintenance regimen today!

Product Description

Leslie’s NoMetal is a highly effective chelating agent that prevents staining and discoloration from trace metals such as iron and copper. NoMetal also prevents scale build-up due to calcium and other minerals. These trace metals and minerals may already be in the pool water or in the fill water. It should be used as part of a well designed pool maintenance program where local water requires it, or where well water is the pool water source.


Initial Dosage:

Add 1 bottle per 20,000 gallons to the pool water evenly around edge.

Weekly Maintenance Dosage:

Each week, add 1 capful (4 oz) per 10,000 gallons to the pool water evenly around edge.


1 bottle per 20,000 gallons
1 capful (4 oz) per 10,000 gallons