Leisure Concepts SmartStep

Step up your spa game with the SmartStep! With a weight capacity of over 700 pounds and a patented reversible tread design, it’s both convenient and safe for any spa, and the optional SmartDrawers keep your essentials organized.

Product Description

With a wide tread and a weight capacity of more than 700 pounds, SmartStep is the “best of the best” for square and round spas alike. SmartDrawers can be added for storage of spa chemicals, cleaning products and more. Convenient, strong and stylish—that’s SmartStep.

SmartStep Features & Specs

  • Slip-resistant rubber tread is safe and soft to the’
  • Locks together in seconds
  • Our unique patented reversible tread design can accommodate round or square spas
  • Convenient SmartDrawers sold separately
  • 16¼” H X 36″ W X 28″ D

Available Options